
With Motivational Posters; Achieve More and Think Differently

One of our main missions is to reach the most recent ways of thinking. The intent of motivational posters is to make people achieve more, or to think differently about the things that they may be learning or doing.

“Modern motivational posters are geared more toward things that need to be done than things that are good to believe”, CBS News concluded.

Guaranteed Behavioral effects

In a study of the University of Glasgow and the Greater Glasgow Health Board, found that placement of a motivational poster that promotes stair use in front of an escalator and a parallel staircase, which is reflected on a better physical and mental health. The motivational posters have a behavioral effect, with this effect decreasing back to zero gradually over a period of weeks after the removal of the poster. On the other side, parodies of motivational posters, generally known as demotivational posters or demotivators have become an Internet meme, which spreads viral and it has been reflected on changing the readers behavior and way of thinking.


Banaja Pharmaceutical Company (BPC) top management felt frustrated from white walls similar to hospitals, requesting to place educational posters to motivate and inspire the sales and marketing forces and to develop their success habits. After placing the posters, the manpower have been much energetic and with much positive attitude.

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